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Reading Bingo

What is Reading Bingo?

Reading Bingo is an optional reading incentive program designed to motivate and reward students for reading a variety of books. Students will not receive a grade for participating, and participation is not required.

How does it work?

Early in the school year, students will be given their first Reading Bingo card. Each time the student reads a book in one of the categories, write the title of the book in that space. When the entire card is filled out, have a parent, guardian, or teacher sign the bottom and return the card to the library. Each time the student completes a card, he/she will receive a prize and advance to the next level. Completed cards will be kept in a binder in the library.

Why are there specific reading categories on the card?

Listing reading categories serves two purposes: it encourages students to use the library catalog to find different kinds of books, and it encourages them to read books about a wide variety of topics.

How do I get a card if mine has been damaged or lost?

Please ask Mrs. Hatfield for assistance.